In the beginning.....
Well, the project started a long, long time ago. I used to do wood burning off and on and put it down for several years. Time went by and I wanted to do it again and was looking for the right subject. I had no idea what to draw. Then somehow I ended up on a Google page of ammonites and saw one in particular and thought hmm that might be fun to try and draw. So I did and it turned out pretty well - enough for me to want to do another. Then another and another. The rest is history. I got hooked on them because the golden ratio can be intoxicating when trying to draw it and all the designs within it. And I found wood burning is a very enjoyable and unique way to portray them. With some artistic license, it was a blast. I know, boring to some but that's ok. To each his own. So I did about a dozen and they sat on my wall for a couple years. Sold a couple to some friends. Tried to sell the others but no one was interested. So at this point in time as I write this, I have sold a couple towels with the seahorses and Heaven Shell to a good friend to check the quality. She was very pleased. Phew! As for the names - I'm somewhat of an astrophile. I love all things astronomy. The first one I named was Andromeda. And the rest of that one's history too, adding stars and constellations. I'm loading up my page with as many products as I can before I approach a company I'm hoping will assist me in getting my products out there. Please wish me luck. And hey, if you want to see a product I haven't listed, let me know and I'll try to get it on here. I'll be doing quite a few more ammonites, then probably on to endangered animals - just to help people become aware. That's what it takes, right? Pangolins will be first, I know. As for names? There's a lot of stars out there..... The picture is a zoomed in scene from my deck. I know, I'm blessed. See ya down the road.